How the Wise One Grows

Box Breath & Values Meditation for Hard Moments (99)

Holly Zajur Season 1 Episode 99

This episode shares the breathing technique that helped Natalie Rainer (from Ep 98) find relief through extreme pain while in the ICU followed by a meditation to connect with your core values to navigate life with clarity, as Natalie did after the accident.

Box breath is a great way to:
- Calm the nervous system
- Improve mood
- Regulate body temperature
- Decrease stress
- Lower blood pressure

This episode is ideal for anyone overcoming a challenge or looking to improve their mental and emotional well-being. Join us to learn how simple breathing techniques and connecting with core values can guide you through even the hardest moments of life.

Related episodes:
Ep 98 with Natalie Rainer
Loving Kindness Meditation
Understanding Grief with Litsa Williams of What's Your Grief
Grief Meditation

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Episode sponsored by Connect Wellness. Connect Wellness empowers people with tools to connect with themselves, others, and the present moment.

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Speaker 1:

Hi everyone and welcome back to how the wise one grows. So last week in episode 98, you heard from Natalie Rainer, who is one of the most inspiring humans on this planet, and Natalie shared about her journey of healing and recovering. Last week in episode 98, last week you heard from Natalie Rainer in episode 98 about her road to recovery from a traumatic accident that left her severely injured and took the life of dear friend and commutant member, jonah Holland, to coming to a place where she is. Last week's episode, episode 98 with Natalie Rainer, is one that is very close to my heart because in this episode Natalie, who is one of the most incredible people on this planet, shared her recovery story from a very horrific bike accident that left her severely injured and took the life of our dear friend and commutant member, jonah Holland. And in this episode Natalie shares so much insight and wisdom that I truly think every human being needs to hear. And she shared particularly what helped her through those intense moments of acute pain when she was in the ICU and the values that got her through and to a place of forgiveness, which is pretty incredible. But today we are going to share a meditation that is focusing on the breath technique Natalie talked about, that got her through those intense moments of acute pain, and that's called box breath. Today you're going to hear, today we're going to practice a breath technique that is incredibly helpful, for today we're going to practice a. This meditation includes a breath practice to help you through acute pain, to decrease stress levels and calm your nervous system, one that helps improve your mood performance and concentration and lowers blood pressure, and this is the breath that Natalie used during the meditation.

Speaker 1:

Before we dive into this meditation and breath practice, I shall have a couple of quick announcements, or we have. Before we dive into our breath work and meditation, I want to share a couple of quick updates with you. So one there is a link in the show notes to a meta and loving-kindness practice that Natalie talked about in episode nine. There, there is a link in the show notes to a meta and loving-kindness meditation that, before we dive into today's, before we dive into today's breath work and meditation, I want to share. But before we dive into our breath work and meditation, a couple of quick things. So if you listen to episode 98, you'll, you'll. If you listened to episode 98, natalie talked about a meta or loving-kindness meditation that was really essential in her recovery and there is a link to that meditation in the show notes. I highly encourage you, go back and give that a listen as well.

Speaker 1:

And when we start and I want to share that we will be moving this episode and I want to share that we will be, and I want to share, and I also I also want to share that this podcast is going to move to every other week releasing on Wednesdays. When I first started this, and that is because I also want to share that we will be. We will be releasing episodes every other week on Wednesdays, moving forward, and that is in part, because of the intention of this podcast to grow slow and grow with intention, which we're doing here, and it's actually, in fact, because we're growing even more. So, in order to make sure we can offer I also, I also want to share that we will be releasing episodes starting. I also want to share that we are adjusting our release schedule to we will. I also want to update you all that we will be releasing episodes every other Wednesday, moving forward, and this is so that we can stay in alignment with the intention of this podcast to grow slow and with intention, and so that to grow slow and with intention. And we actually have some even more exciting things just on the horizon that I cannot wait to share with you all. But it's going to take a little extra time to put our best work out there for you all. So keep logging on. So make sure you follow the podcast, if you don't already, so you'll be notified when these wonderful episodes are released. We have tons of episodes. We're almost at 100, which is crazy. So if you're feeling the itch to like, oh man, I need more how the wise one grows, don't worry. We've got a full log that you can scroll down to and take your choosing. And also, if you haven't already, please subscribe to support this podcast. Hi everyone, and welcome back to how the Wise One Grows.

Speaker 1:

In today's meditation, you are going to learn a breath technique that is incredibly helpful for moments of acute pain. It helps to decrease our stress levels and calms the nervous system. It improves performance and concentration, improves mood sign me up and helps to regulate temperature and lower blood pressure. And this is the breath technique that Natalie shared about in episode 98 that helped her through her moments of acute pain when she was in the ICU after her bike accident. And if you missed episode 98, I highly, highly recommend you go back and listen to that now. It is an episode that is very dear to my heart and Natalie shares so much wisdom that I think every human should hear. So go back and listen to this episode and then find a space that feels safe and supported for you for practice.

Speaker 1:

Today. Also, a couple of quick omn. I also want to share one additional announcement with you all, which is that we are moving this podcast to every other week on Wednesday, to be released instead of weekly, and two fold reasons for that. One, I want to make sure that I am holding myself accountable and staying in alignment with the intention of this podcast, which is to live with intention and grow from a place of groundedness versus a space of stress. So to make sure we are. And then, second of all, and also because I have some really exciting things and another reason is because this podcast is growing and I want to make sure, and I want to make sure that we are sharing our very best work with you all, and because we have some exciting things on the horizon with this podcast that I am so eager to share with you all and I want to make sure we are putting all the effort at, and I want to make sure we share the very best possible podcast with you. So make sure you're following the show on your favorite streaming platform so you don't miss these episodes when they're released. And if it's a week that an episode isn't new, we have so many episodes that you can go back and listen to, so just. And if it happens to be a Wednesday when there's not a new episode, we have almost 100 episodes of how the Wise One grows that you can go back and listen to on those days.

Speaker 1:

So now, without further ado, let's find a space, and also a quick reminder that we would love to have you join the how the Wise One Grows Dream team, though Dream Team supporters are the ones who make this podcast possible by supporting for as little as $3. You can join the Dream Team for as little as $3 a month. I like to think of it as like a little coffee or tea date for us, a monthly tea date for these mindful conversations and meditations that we're sharing. Can you join the Dream Team? So, if you haven't already, you can click the link in the show notes to join the Dream Team and keep this podcast growing. So find a space that feels safe and supportive for you and let's get started.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to begin with a breath technique today. This is the breath that Natalie shared about in episode 98 that helped her during her moments of acute pain in the ICU. This breath is also known to help decrease stress levels, calm our nervous system, improve our mood performance and concentration, and to help regulate temperature in lower blood pressure. So really great breath to do. It's also one that I personally use during morning meditations when my mind is racing all over the place. I find this breath is a great anchor and grounding point that can keep me focused.

Speaker 1:

So we'll begin with this breath and move into a meditation and, as always, you can practice seated, lying down, while on a walk or even while driving, but just maybe don't rush your eyes if you're driving, but just don't close your eyes if you're driving. So just take a moment to notice where your body makes contact with the earth. Get your shoulders soft and down the back and take a big breath in and a big breath out. Just notice where in the body you feel the breath, as it flows in and as it flows out. So to practice this breath. We're going to inhale for four counts, hold for four counts, exhale for four counts and hold for four counts again. So it makes a little box, a four by four box. When you think of it that way, you can even imagine that picture in your mind to help guide you as you breathe. So we'll take a cleansing breath to begin and we'll move into that breath together Inhale and exhale. Also, note that my count of breath might not work for you, and that's okay. If you're like Holly, you're counting way too slow or way too fast, don't listen to me and breathe for that four by four count at your own rate.

Speaker 1:

So let's take a cleansing breath to begin, and through the nose and out through the mouth, and inhale two, three, four. Hold two, three, four. Exhale two, three, four. Hold two, three, four. Inhale two, three, four. Hold two, three, four. Exhale two, three, four. Hold two, three, four. Inhale two, three, four. Hold two, three, four. Exhale two, three, four. Hold two, three, four. Take four more rounds on your own and then release any control over the breath and surrender to the natural rhythm and intuition of the breath as it flows in and out and as we transition to a meditation, we're going to focus on our values.

Speaker 1:

In episode 98, natalie shared how the values of yoga are what got her through her recovery and are what, when she was in a place of extreme pain, she was able to realize that there wasn't a lot she had control over, but what she could control was her breath and living in alignment with her values, so choosing to meet herself and others from a place that was rooted within the yoga values. So I want you to take a moment now to think about what is your core value? We're going to pick one for this meditation. What is at the core of who you truly are? What do you want to be about? How do you want to treat yourself and others as you move through this life? That's rooted in this value.

Speaker 1:

I want you to take a moment now to picture and imagine as clearly as you can in your head what it feels like when you live in alignment with this value. Notice how it feels in the body and then the mind, and then repeat three times in your mind I am blank. Whatever that value is maybe it's I am love, I am compassion, whatever that is. Repeat it in your mind three times and imagine now that there is a light at the center of your chest and it's that value. So take a moment to picture it as clearly as you can here. What does it look like? Does it have a color? What does it feel like? And with every breath, I want you to visualize that light expanding and getting bigger and bigger until it covers every inch of you. So bringing your attention to that light at the center of your chest, that value that is the core of who you are. Maybe repeat that intention, that value in your mind again.

Speaker 1:

I am blank and with every breath, watch this value, watch this light grow Until it expands, breath by breath, until it covers the entire chest, the torso, the arms, the legs, the head. With every breath, this light continues to expand, radiating beyond your body, bringing up the space around you, sending this value to all people near you, everyone in this city. This light and this value continues to expand to everyone in this state and everyone and everyone in this world, bringing your hands to your heart, knowing that this value is at the core of who you are and you can carry it with you and live in alignment with it as you move through the rest of your day and beyond. Let's take one more breath, in through the nose and out through the mouth, and you can slowly open your eyes as you return to this space.

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